benefitsone team

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So far benefitsone team has created 203 blog entries.

The Pay or Play Percentage Increase for 2025

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires large employers to offer affordable health insurance coverage to their full-time employees or face a penalty known as the "Pay or Play" tax. This tax is based on the employer's average monthly wage (AMW) and the number of full-time employees.  The affordability rate for employer-sponsored health coverage will increase from 8.39% to [...]

The Pay or Play Percentage Increase for 20252024-10-17T19:19:37-05:00

Employee Engagement: The Push-Pull Cycle of Employment

Will employees ever re-gain leverage and grow more engaged in their work? More than 40 years ago, workers could retire from the same company where they started their career. That implied employment guarantee shifted when the American economy changed from consistent growth to a boom/bust cycle that created uncertainty and volatility, impacting job stability. Since [...]

Employee Engagement: The Push-Pull Cycle of Employment2024-10-14T15:12:04-05:00

Bridging the Generational Divide: Leveraging Technology for Effective Communication

In today's diverse workplaces, effective communication across generations is essential for fostering collaboration, productivity, and a positive work environment. Understanding the unique communication preferences of each generation can help bridge the gap and create a more inclusive and harmonious workplace. Technology can play a crucial role in bridging the generational gap and facilitating seamless communication. [...]

Bridging the Generational Divide: Leveraging Technology for Effective Communication2024-10-02T13:17:19-05:00

Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Rebates: A Timely Reminder

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) to ensure that health insurance companies spend a significant portion of premiums on medical care and quality improvement activities rather than administrative costs and profits. When insurers fail to meet the MLR threshold, they are required to issue rebates to plan sponsors. Understanding MLR [...]

Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) Rebates: A Timely Reminder2024-09-23T11:16:24-05:00

How Employee Experience Connects with Customer Experience

Positive employee experience begets customer experience. It’s the circle of life in business, in fact. The concept is simple to follow. Employees, who feel valued and whose wellness at work is a priority of their managers and executives, will have the motivation to produce and treat customers with respect and white-glove service. Any organization who [...]

How Employee Experience Connects with Customer Experience2024-09-19T11:09:37-05:00

Open Enrollment: Your Annual Check-Up for Benefits

Navigating health insurance can feel like planning a vacation. You wouldn't pack for a beach trip if you're headed to the mountains, right? Similarly, choosing a health plan requires careful consideration. Open enrollment is your chance to design a plan tailored to you; it is your yearly opportunity to review and adjust your employee benefits [...]

Open Enrollment: Your Annual Check-Up for Benefits2024-09-10T08:51:03-05:00

Empowering Gen Z: Building a Competitive Benefits Package

Get ready for a new wave of talent! Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012), or Zoomers, is the youngest generation entering the workforce, and they're bringing fresh perspectives and priorities. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z isn't just punching a clock. They crave opportunities for personal and professional growth, a workplace that prioritizes mental well-being, [...]

Empowering Gen Z: Building a Competitive Benefits Package2024-09-04T09:42:04-05:00

Empowering Millennials: Building a Competitive Benefits Package

Today’s workforce is a mix of generations, but you can’t afford to overlook Millennials, the largest generation in the workforce. Known for their flexibility and problem-solving skills, Millennials bring a powerful combination of experience and value to any company. Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are a driving force in today’s job market. This generation [...]

Empowering Millennials: Building a Competitive Benefits Package2024-08-28T12:44:34-05:00

Understand Your Spending Power: What You Can Buy with Your FSA, HSA, or HRA

Medical expense accounts can help you save on all kinds of healthcare costs. Here are some you may not know about yet. HSA, FSA, and HRA can typically be used for: Medical expenses: Doctor visits, surgeries, prescriptions, dental and vision care, and mental health services. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications: Many OTC medications, including pain relievers, allergy [...]

Understand Your Spending Power: What You Can Buy with Your FSA, HSA, or HRA2024-08-19T15:00:07-05:00
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