benefitsone team

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So far benefitsone team has created 203 blog entries.

PCORI fees are due by Monday, August 1, 2022

By way of background, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) created the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to study clinical effectiveness and health outcomes. To finance the Institute’s work, a small annual fee—commonly called the PCORI fee—is charged on group health plans. Grandfathered health plans are not exempt. Most employers do not have to take any [...]

PCORI fees are due by Monday, August 1, 20222022-07-15T16:03:10-05:00

Relax! Vacations are Good for Your Health

American workers are notorious for being workaholics. In fact, The Center for Economic and Policy Research has gone so far as to call the U.S. the “No Vacation Nation.”  Deciding you need a vacation may feel indulgent but in reality, it is a crucial key to our overall health. Why do you need to take [...]

Relax! Vacations are Good for Your Health2022-07-11T08:24:42-05:00

How Inflation Influences Layoffs

The United States, like some other countries around the world, including the United Kingdom and China, are facing an inflation crisis in this post-pandemic era. Inflation has great influence on Human Resources because it can cause the need for wage stagnation and budget cuts. The biggest disappointment during times of high inflation is the possibility [...]

How Inflation Influences Layoffs2022-07-05T04:49:37-05:00

4 Ways Inflation and Higher Costs Impact HR

U.S. President Joe Biden recently laid out his plans to combat inflation and the high cost of living. The average family is spending an additional $327 per month compared to pre-pandemic costs, according to a CNN broadcast May 10. At the time, the national average price of gas was $4.37. While the Federal Reserve can [...]

4 Ways Inflation and Higher Costs Impact HR2022-06-27T10:54:31-05:00

5 Tips to Save Money on Health Care: Part 2

Smart spending can keep your health care from costing an arm and a leg.  With costs rising on everything from gas to food, every penny counts. It pays to shop smart – that is why it helps to learn how to take steps to limit your out-of-pocket health care costs. Save Money on Prescriptions Go [...]

5 Tips to Save Money on Health Care: Part 22022-06-24T09:39:51-05:00

Benefits Education 101 for Employees

Companies spend a large amount of time and money creating valuable benefits plans for employees.  But after all that work, they often get low participation.  Good benefit choices require an effort from employers to ensure that employees have help in understanding their benefits options.  To make things even more complex, employers are having to consider [...]

Benefits Education 101 for Employees2022-06-17T08:45:38-05:00

How to Build a Learning Culture

Most HR leaders agree that building a strong learning culture is the foundation for achieving positive business outcomes and effectively confronting the future of work. In addition, a younger generation of workers is demanding more of employers, and they expect career development and continuous learning to be the norm. As a result, learning culture influences employee engagement [...]

How to Build a Learning Culture2022-06-03T08:15:57-05:00

Best Practices for Employee Appreciation

As HR leaders work hard to retain talent during a historic labor shortage, they are trying to show employee appreciation. At the HR Exchange Network Employee Engagement and Experience online event, Mary Shelley, Chief People Officer at Tango Card, shared best practices for rewarding employees to inform them of their value to the organization. In the session, 5 [...]

Best Practices for Employee Appreciation2022-06-02T16:58:37-05:00

Now Hiring: Employee Benefits Account Coordinator

Account Coordinator benefitsone is a progressive employee benefits agency, located in Madisonville, Louisiana, dedicated to providing best-in-class service and products and creating customized solutions to reduce our clients’ workload so they can focus on their business. Position Summary Primarily focused on providing support to Sales and Account Management team on activities related to marketing, sales, [...]

Now Hiring: Employee Benefits Account Coordinator2022-05-25T15:42:51-05:00

The 4 W’s of Lifestyle Benefits

Com­pet­i­tive wages are no longer enough to sat­is­fy and sup­port val­ued employ­ees. Today, a vari­ety of ben­e­fits and perks play an essen­tial role in attract­ing and retain­ing talent. Lifestyle benefits, sometimes referred to as employee perks, are non-salary benefits given to employees to improve their overall lifestyle that go above and beyond standard medical, dental and [...]

The 4 W’s of Lifestyle Benefits2022-05-20T14:36:17-05:00
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